iAMUNiiCORN · 2 points ·
What i feel like upgrading guns in games ;)

iAMUNiiCORN · 1 points ·
She actually got the sauna but ok.

iAMUNiiCORN · 1 points ·
I really liked the post, PC MASTER RACE. but we all see the *** watermark...

iAMUNiiCORN · 0 points ·
But, you cant be intoxicated while boarding, right? RIGHT?

iAMUNiiCORN · 0 points ·
That, that's actually beautifull handwriting! +1 internets to you.

iAMUNiiCORN · 10 points ·
"Oooh what a cute puppie!"

"Carefull honey, he has a knife!"

Dog; "What? no, no i dont"

-Asdf movies.

iAMUNiiCORN · 1 points ·

iAMUNiiCORN · 1 points ·
I've seen this post at least four times during the time i've signed up. and even more in my days of not signing up.

iAMUNiiCORN · 1 points ·
What game?

iAMUNiiCORN · 0 points ·
Thank you for saying this, i'm downloading it now ;)
