Iandro · 19 points ·
No, this comment belongs on a front page post.

Iandro · 0 points ·
Bringe me Solo and the wookie!

Iandro · 1 points ·
Is that a boomer?

Iandro · 7 points ·
Being black isn't wrong but shoving up people faces it is. Can't you just be black without being equal?

Iandro · 2 points ·
I forgive you.

Iandro · 2 points ·
Tell that to 98% of the users here. Also, I was being sarcastic.

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Iandro · 2 points ·
Genetic problems: the chances of a child, product of incest, being born with genetic problems are way higher than the other kid's wich parents are from diferent families. Pedophilia? First, the kids are not ready to have sex because they haven't reached the maturity for something like that (and I talk here about not only a immaturity of mind, but their own body too - humans only become naturally ready to have sex after puberty).

Also, there are thousands of different especies in this planet, each one of them with different natural behaviors. And yes, some unnatural things for us will be natural for some of the other species in the world.

Third, but not least important, we are 7 ***in billions of people in the world. I highly doubt that the gay population will endanger the duration of the human kind, the same as the homossexuality in animals haven't extinct any species so far.

About the "(once again: the majority defines normal!)", I think you're talking against yourself (haven't you quote Mark Twain??).

And, at last: the MARRIAGE, in our society, is made for heritage purposes. The fact is that the institution of marriage is not for religious purposes anymore, as have been in the human history: today, the State main objective with it is to guarantee the heritage of the families around the world. Therefore, why in the seven hells would not any gay (including me) or lesbian person in the world be allowed to protect the heritage of their husbands or wives or even their children?

Iandro · 2 points ·
Let's cure all the animals that try to have sex with the same gender too. That's not natural, with the exception that this happen in the ***in nature. There are MORAL limits and NATURAL limits to every thing we do, and homossexuality obviously is considered immoral because people want it to be, not because isn't natural. Incest and ***ing kid's? The genetic problems show us that they are not only morally wrong, but have a clear natural limitation.
