Mage Hand requires an action to cast and another to control (its meant to be a spell used outside of combat) so the goblin scenario would only be possible outside of combat, and would take 12 seconds minimum even then.You could do it all in one turn if you cast mage hand above the goblin and then throw the rock upwards so the hand catches it, but I'd ask for a Dexterity check, so the possibility of failure is to be taken into account, and if the goblin sees the rock then he'd do a saving throw to avoid getting hit.
Furthermore, the spell's range is 30 feet, meaning the hand can never be that far from you. That means that 30 feet is its maximum height, and a dropped rock would deal about 1d6 per 10 feet (though i'd rule it as a 1d4 since its an improvised weapon). However, the 30 feet of height is not taking into account the distance between the goblin and you. If we assume a minimum of 5ft (as in, one square of a grid) then we need to calculate the distance between the hand and you through the pythagoras theorem formula. Thus, the highest the hand can be from the goblin is 29.5 (square root of 5ft + 29.5 ft square). Seeing as we are already doing a lot of technicalities, I'd rule this as lower than 30 ft, thus 2d6/2d4.
So, instead of simply casting a damage cantrip of 1d8, you just used a two turn/dexterity check + saving throw attack for 2d4.
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