JamesRustle · 4 points ·
the economy

JamesRustle · 3 points ·
Hahaha, stereotype confirmed-Argentines really do think they're white and European

JamesRustle · 1 points ·
I don't know if you've ever been to Holland but our entire economy is based on selling weed and hookers to tourists

JamesRustle · 36 points ·
*lose *its

JamesRustle · 0 points ·
You must be pretty ghetto. We go to real restaurants or bars.

JamesRustle · 1 points ·

JamesRustle · 1 points ·
"Cattering"? Are you srsly?

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JamesRustle · 3 points ·
Well, if said titties are in XL bikinis they're probably pared with massive flabby guts and huge burger asses, ***wit

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