JimPans3 · 17 points ·
Anyone alse thinking of the poop in the shower guy?

JimPans3 · 1 points ·
My cat instantly meows back at me (but only me, she doesn't meows back at anyone else in my family) when I do it and I can keep the "conversation" up for a pretty long time. So no you're not the only one

JimPans3 · 1 points ·
10/10 would take pictures (of course only of the board)

JimPans3 · 7 points ·
I'll just take Cloyster. Both problems solved

JimPans3 · OP · 2 points ·
It is coming out for PC we just have to wait a little longer than the consoles

JimPans3 · OP · 2 points ·
You don't need to tell me this. I own a lot of games legally and bought a bunch which I downloaded before because I liked them even though I don't play them anymore. Although I don't think I will get myself GTA V because I don't have the time to play it

JimPans3 · 1 points ·
yes she starred in one too but I don't know if it was this movie or another one

JimPans3 · 3 points ·
He installed Windows Vista *shock*

JimPans3 · 10 points ·
What's the big deal about it? She won't remember it anyways...

JimPans3 · 24 points ·
Its from the movie The Perks of Being a Wallflower - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YdYbSN_XQ5A
