Jos_hua001 · 1 points ·
worm from the labyrinth

Jos_hua001 · 2 points ·
Gone with the wind

Jos_hua001 · 1 points ·
Finland doesn't surprise me. My mate is Finnish and I went to see him in Helsinki a couple of years ago, his parents had him out the house at 18 and in an apartment, granted he lives about 50m away from his parents and took all the washing to his mum though.

The UK surprised me being so low, pretty much everyone I know still live at home. Housing is unaffordable nowadays since house prices have shot up but wages have stagnated.

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Jos_hua001 · 1 points ·
W2c that charmander onesie tho

Jos_hua001 · 1 points ·
Reminds me of

Maeby: Do you guys know where I can get one of those gold necklaces with a “T” on it?

Michael: That’s a cross.

Maeby: Across from where?

Jos_hua001 · 1 points ·
"Finish her" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Jos_hua001 · 1 points ·
*10 minutes later* "Damn girl..."

Jos_hua001 · 6 points ·
Glued my foreskin back on with a hot glue gun.
