Jossymau_3rd · 0 points ·
could anyone explain why this is funny?

Jossymau_3rd · 1 points ·
seen that before.. repost!! i guess...

Jossymau_3rd · 1 points ·
i guess that man is so old that he doesn't know what a dijital clock is..

Jossymau_3rd · 2 points ·
Endless Fun my ass!!

Jossymau_3rd · 1 points ·
whats a ppl?

Jossymau_3rd · 1 points ·
what is that whipping back and forth all about, i have seen something like this a few posts later

Jossymau_3rd · 1 points ·
A really good one!!

Jossymau_3rd · 1 points ·
a wild idea!!

Jossymau_3rd · 1 points ·
saw the same thing on *** a few months ago

Jossymau_3rd · 1 points ·
am i the only one who hears the sound of the man when looking at him saying *** island over and over again?
