junglesvend · 1 points ·
First of all, is this real? If yes, does it look anywhere near as good in the real world?

junglesvend · 1 points ·
The part in question happens at 2:35, but for your own sake watch the whole thing, it's pretty good.

junglesvend · 9 points ·
What if I told you some people reuse their towels for more than one shower

junglesvend · 0 points ·

junglesvend · 7 points ·
Thats the secret, Koffing is always high

junglesvend · 8 points ·
Somehow I find it that the most disturbing part is that she isn't wearing any shoes even though it is cloudy and wet outside

junglesvend · 10 points ·
Usually it is a sign of your brain being understimulated. If you want this to happen less often, force yourself to read faster. This can be done by placing a ruler (or similar object) above the line you are reading and move it downwards while you read.

junglesvend · 3 points ·
boo dith man?

junglesvend · 2 points ·
this... this... I still can't believe it! A guy that big running that fast, it's the bumblebee flying all over again.
