Kagamin · 2 points ·

Kagamin · 2 points ·
Konata hasn't been the same ever since she started hanging with the emo kid in class

Kagamin · 3 points ·
No it's "dam m'I timmaD". If you have the change the sentence in order to make it work, it doesn't work...

Kagamin · 6 points ·
"God give us a sign"
The sign:

Kagamin · 1 points ·
Well then it's even simpler

Kagamin · 1 points ·
There's a time for principles, and there's a time for not getting run over by a car.
The guy should've just taken a video of the behavior and license plate and left the car alone. You don't mess with people who clearly have no regards for the law because they're not going to have any regards for you either.

Kagamin · 7 points ·

Kagamin · 1 points ·
I think "american peanut butter" is a better term, because that looks nothing like actual peanut butter.

Kagamin · 1 points ·
What the heck kinda paste is that even? That doesn't look like food at all!

Kagamin · 21 points ·
Eyo whaddup
