Kang00 · 1 points ·
Hey this remembers me at something. Wasn't there a strategy game where California declared independence from the US and set up a gladiator like game show where regime critics fought to death to entertain the masses? Damn I can't remember the name.

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Kang00 · 0 points ·
that are free donuts with sugar. oh america land of the free donuts, home of the fat people :')

Kang00 · 2 points ·
oh the irony

Kang00 · 3 points ·
But anyway this post has more likes as your comment. So the group you're reffering to with your 'we' is obiviously smaler than the group wich enjoys this post. You are free to leave if you don't like the taste of the hugelol community.

Kang00 · 6 points ·
What has this generation to do with the sins of the past? It's not our fault that the world was like it was. Our only chance is to look forward and do our best to live together in peace, to break down hate. Enemy stereotypes like those you have in mind ended up in such a cruel, disgracefull deed.

Kang00 · 1 points ·
Aww how sweet ...

Kang00 · 4 points ·
Cemistry .. i don't think you understand it!

Kang00 · 2 points ·
Dude, you just go full retard! Never go full retard!

Kang00 · 2 points ·
