KeepScrolling · 1 points · *
Well, I don't apply for the job.
Probably my comment will go unnoticed and/or get downvoted to oblivion, but still I feel I should write it.

First of all, it's nice that HL is looking into increasing the number of mods.
Second, that so many good people still want to make HL a better (an funnier) place.

Me? I burned up and got uninterested. Still, I have no hard feelings and I hope the site flourishes once again, entering yet another golden age.
Even without me to witness it.

Salutations and good luck, past, present and future HL admins and mods.
May your posts and comments always make others laugh, in a good way.

KeepScrolling · 20 points ·
>implying that the average HL user wasn't like this from the day 0.

KeepScrolling · 0 points ·

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KeepScrolling · 1 points ·

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KeepScrolling · 1 points ·
Let me guess... no Oscar?
