klarebruhe · Commenter of the Day · 1 points ·
ayo throw me an inv to hl discord

klarebruhe · Commenter of the Day · 2 points ·
Funny meme. I must however point out that in order for combustion to occur you will require oxgen(02). In space however this is not present therefore there will be no combustion. Since the firing of a gun requires combustion, guns will not work in space therefore there will not be any energy generated to push your body away. Furthermore, the energy generated by a handgun will not be enough to send you flying like the image suggests.

klarebruhe · Commenter of the Day · 3 points ·

klarebruhe · Commenter of the Day · 1 points ·
Racist person running for HL elections? He's got my vote

klarebruhe · Commenter of the Day · 2 points ·
what comes after 0:16 ?
what's hiding in those extra 3 seconds?

klarebruhe · Commenter of the Day · 1 points ·
^ exactly this. the more retarded the happening the better the memes

klarebruhe · Commenter of the Day · 2 points ·
what is this about?

klarebruhe · Commenter of the Day · 3 points ·
people ***ing hate their lives here, so it feels good to get some warmth from a post.

klarebruhe · Commenter of the Day · 3 points ·

klarebruhe · Commenter of the Day · 3 points ·
I didn't even need to ask
