Knurlnien · 1 points ·
It's not a fractal, it's the curve representing the generalized Riemann hypothesis

Knurlnien · 3 points ·
Technically, it could be a 1/x function and it would approach +infinite on 0+ and -infinite on 0-... But it is true that with the formulation and the possibility to have a debt then it is more than likely a linear function. So I guess you were right kind Sir.

Knurlnien · 1 points ·
Does it do infinite damage when you have no money, or is it a linear function?

Knurlnien · 2 points ·
If you only remove the tzg, it does'nt count.

Knurlnien · 0 points ·
Damn, I wish I knew 60 min was longer than 2 hours, thank you hl for letting me know that fact!

Knurlnien · 1 points ·
This is Bloodborne not Skyrim, ***.

Knurlnien · 1 points ·

Knurlnien · 2 points ·

Knurlnien · 0 points ·
I'm sorry, Gandarf even said it in his last post, keep the good work^^

Knurlnien · 0 points ·
That is what I was wondering^^ see on TK gandarf (or 11eleventhDoctor?)
