kruulo · 30 points · *
And scissors symbolizes a woman's legs, it can weaken any man with a decent knowledge and respect for women (paper) yet there will always be a douchebag (rock ~ the brute force) who she falls in love with to beat her.. This game has a way deeper meaning than we thought..

kruulo · 1 points ·
you wouldn't want to be "owl" by yourself with him..

kruulo · 16 points ·
Imagine this: if God made Pokemon since the beginning of time it wouldn't be such a big deal. The whole Pokemon cartoon series wouldn't exist. Instead there would be this awesome show called "Animals" where we could see this young farmer boy who walks around the world with his yellow mouse.
Not to mention we could actually have "pokemon" food, if they were real; we could eat some Kentucky Fried Torchic and the bacon would come from Tepigs. Think about it, it could be quite sick.

kruulo · 1 points ·
the grammar: it died.

kruulo · 0 points ·

kruulo · 15 points ·
So every morning you wake up with an Alien popping from your stomach and walk around the house like nothing's wrong?

kruulo · 2 points ·
meet you in hell, bro! XD

kruulo · 8 points ·
This somehow reminds me that i have to finish deadspace 2.

kruulo · 2 points ·
no. no. nope. nope. no way. nope. no.

kruulo · 2 points ·
water that mark !
