Kumiko · 5 points ·

Kumiko · 1 points ·
First Line: Consult the state column for more details.

2nd Line: The installation failed.

Kumiko · 2 points ·
So all of the memes with the same image are reposts?

Kumiko · 1 points ·
Anime is Durarara for the curious ones.

Kumiko · 8 points ·
Oh ***...

Kumiko · 0 points ·
Give me a link and I'll remove it

Kumiko · 6 points ·
Almost disliked it

Kumiko · 1 points ·

What if I told you

I don't always

I'm not sure

Am I the only one around here

One does not simply

What is this shit

Facebook Girl

Kumiko · 4 points ·
The face is wrong.

Kumiko · 2 points ·
Viva a Portugal!
