LearningCurve · 1 points ·
You may have mind control, but I have brain control.

LearningCurve · 2 points ·
literally a repost from 3 hours ago, it's like you aren't even trying

LearningCurve · 5 points ·
Purge OP

LearningCurve · 5 points ·
Same stuff, cant vouch for same title. to lazy to look for it

Bad comment hidden. Click to view.
LearningCurve · 3 points ·

LearningCurve · 2 points ·
Fake, no self-respected teachers mark exams in green.

LearningCurve · 1 points ·

LearningCurve · 12 points ·
*shots fired*

LearningCurve · 8 points ·
Hi pal, fixed your image
