Legas · 6 points ·
The fabled thousand-yard stare.

Legas · 12 points ·
They might not be the same thing, but are indeed very similar.

Corruption = breaking law by directly paying politicians and/or civil servants to get what you want.

Lobbying = "donating" to political campaign so that politicians pass the laws the way you want so that you don't have to break them to get what you want.

The end result is pretty much the same.

Lobbying might even be worse though, since you can't jail people for it.

Legas · 2 points ·
These quantum physics experiments that show that the presence of the observer changes the outcome are weirdly like the way a computer renders a videogame (i.e. to save computing resources, it only renders whatever the player is looking at or interacting with)

Makes me wonder that if we keep looking at either really far away things (universe) or really small things (waves, particles) we'll eventually crash the game.

Legas · 1 points ·
Weird ass Made in Abyss vibes

Legas · 2 points ·
It's funny to think someone actually and seriously thought (probably in 1950, judging by the clothes and hairstyles drawn) that these shelters would be able to avoid, or even mitigate, the nuclear fallout in any way....

Legas · 2 points ·
Nice thought experiment, the incomprehension stems from the assumption that the 4th dimension is purely spatial (as we know it) though.

Some postulate that time is the 4th dimension, thus a 4D being would be able to see and interact with the past, present and future simultaneously, thus explaining how it is able to "magically" remove water from the present time bottle by simply removing it, by any means, in the past or even just preventing it from being filled beforehand.

Since we're limited to 3D, we can only see and interact with a single point of the 4D, which we likely call the present. That aligns with what happens when a 2D being see a 3D object, i.e., they see just a single point/line constantly changing shape as it travels through his 2 dimensions, quite similar to how we perceive time (seeing 3D objects change with the passage of time).

Legas · 2 points ·
The Lake of Rot surely does, and if it's not hell it's probably the nearest I've ever been.

Legas · 4 points ·
I may have failed to grasp the possible sarcasm here, but second world refers to the countries aligned to the Soviet Union during the cold war. So, since there is no longer a Soviet Union, the second world no longer exists.

Legas · 3 points ·
Indeed, probably the best fantasy/medieval strategy game available. It's also true that lindwurms suck.

Legas · 7 points ·
It says "3 years on death row" (i.e. locked in prison waiting for the day of his execution), how would that equate to 3 years dying?
