lexus · 6-Year Club · 2 points ·
Je moeder is hartstikke smerig

lexus · 6-Year Club · 1 points ·
np m8

lexus · 6-Year Club · 1 points ·
I am affraid not

lexus · 6-Year Club · 2 points ·
You weren't on Hugelol for a while, were you?

lexus · 6-Year Club · 2 points ·
Tbh, I have never really been depressed, but I have experienced a lot of bullying in primary school from about the time my classmates realized I was above average smart. When I went to high school, it had stopped, but I was very antisocial and hardly trusted anybody. This all turned around when I sat next to a classmates on a trip to Copenhagen (I did a bilingual education so we went to a foreign country every year as a part of that.) This guy is one of the few people I know that genuinely wants to help people and wants the best for everyone. During the trip and the months after it we connected and for the first time in a long time I considered someone my friend. The next year he easily made a group of new friends (the classes were all mixed after the first year) and he kind of sneaked me into that group as well. It took a while before they accepted me but now I believe they will be friends for life. Through the years I slowly became more social and more popular. Now I study applied physics, have multiple groups of friends that genuinely want to spend time with me and a loving 8/10 gf.

My story doesn't really have a real motivating lesson in it, but it is nice to vent it in a community of reasonably like-minded people. The only thing I have realized that helps against bullying is going to an entire new environment where your social status is reset and people will have to judge you for who you are instead of what other people think of you.

I am also very glad that your life has turned around partly because of this awesome community which I enjoy being a part of very much as well (even though I am not an active contributor). And I hope you will keep on sharing great memes and greentexts with us.

lexus · 6-Year Club · 2 points ·
I think most of us ended up here because of a Hugelol ad on 9gaq

lexus · 6-Year Club · 2 points ·
Nice avatar

lexus · 6-Year Club · 1 points ·
I am now...

lexus · 6-Year Club · 1 points ·

lexus · 6-Year Club · 1 points ·
They probably went back once...
