This is an Ace pun joke?
What? Actually what?

Likeievencare · 36 points · 10 years ago
>Trying to greentext
>On Hugelol.
While the lol is appreciated, it's rather simple.
1. Take story.
2. Put on 5chin
3. Screenshot, then move to HL.
4. ???
5. Profit

Where's the funny?

'Special' Infected.

What's wrong with a family restroom? Those are pretty ***ing normal, considering that a lot of smaller kids aren't 'potty trained', so to speak.

DC? Have you... Do you.. What the ***, man. You are literally too stupid to insult.

See, there's your problem, mate. It's a Mac.

Liking for all the butthurt smartasses screaming Lee Harvey Oswald.

Brown, more often than not, is a mixture of orange and blue.
Some books don't use all of the letters of the alphabet, or are in other languages.
Music is technically vibrations, but in all reality, we wouldn't classify it as such, because that's just stupid, and we've gotten along without such nonsense.
Pleasure is a chemical, happiness is more. It is how you, as a person respond to it, and how you yourself trigger it.
Yeah. It does. So?
Cars are not powered y dinosaurs. Cars are powered by fossil fuels. You do not have a velociraptor running around in your engine.

These are so goddamn predictable these days... I miss the old ones that were actually surprising...
