lil_fagboi · 1 points ·
Yeah that's true. Older you get it's harder and harder to do novel things, so you don't remember those days as much as when you were young and every other experience was new for you. A jobs make it even harder to do these things.

lil_fagboi · 1 points ·
nuh uhh... I think it's because older you get, a year for you is a smaller and smaller fraction of your whole life. When you're 1 year old. A year is a 100 % of your experiences, when you're 20, it's just 5 %..

lil_fagboi · 1 points · *
why dont men have cellulite?
cause it's ***ing disgusting

lil_fagboi · 2 points ·

lil_fagboi · 2 points ·
getting tired of the sigma content

lil_fagboi · 2 points ·
Scientists say that for a meme to be succesful you don't need funny, clever or high quality, just referential... according to science

lil_fagboi · 2 points ·
99 % of "gamer" marked products are overpriced and shitty. Also RGB on anything looks pretty gay

lil_fagboi · 3 points ·

lil_fagboi · 2 points ·
Snitching on a kid? Who didn't do stupid shit as a kid?
Granted we didn't post them but we weren't born into a world with tiktok and shit.
Some one should doxx the snitch

lil_fagboi · 5 points ·
wym? what woud be the point to place a trend line here?
