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Linke2012 · 1 points ·
In fact you can ;) Researching is everything behind a post

Linke2012 · 1 points ·
In Europe too ;)

Linke2012 · 4 points ·
Seriously, every time someone is proud of his country everybody thinks of his own country raises his pride against theirs and everybody is happy and proud of his country...
But if one german guy is saying that Germany is great, some little sh*t comes up with nationalism and the importance of unity.
To all those haters, go *** yourself :) We're great and we don't judge you for wars your country has had in the past either ;)

Linke2012 · 4 points ·
To my overreacting Kraut-comrades, just because it is in English in the picture and the uploader didn't care if he posts a 'German' or an 'English' busstop.. It's about the fact. In my town we have such a busstop and it's hitlarious!

Linke2012 · 2 points ·
Whats the title? *-*

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