liriarte · 2 points ·
cringing over here.. can't stop staring at the shins..

liriarte · OP · 1 points ·
all the time.

liriarte · OP · 1 points ·
all of this for a pen. i should have consulted the desk cup. there's like 30 pens in there.

liriarte · OP · 1 points ·
sir? I'm a ma'am.

liriarte · OP · 2 points ·
pregnant. belly starts from the bottom. not all around

liriarte · OP · 2 points ·

liriarte · OP · 1 points ·

liriarte · OP · 3 points ·
I don't have a unicorn blood pen.

liriarte · OP · 2 points ·
kind of like the comic did.

liriarte · OP · 3 points ·
you have to create a need.
