LittleBird · 3-Year Club · 3 points ·
I'm sure our very wholesome poster brainyrs didn't post this to reinforce his own biases using a cherrypicked post of a probably our of context tweet. Keanu 100

LittleBird · 3-Year Club · 3 points ·

LittleBird · 3-Year Club · 0 points ·
you just can't help being racist for a single second can you

LittleBird · 3-Year Club · 3 points ·

LittleBird · 3-Year Club · 1 points · *
Sseth might be a bit edgy but damn are his videos good

LittleBird · 3-Year Club · 2 points ·
For those who don't know, trans suicide is incredibly high. The problem is identifying the cause of that stat. Most transphobes love to imply that the "lifestyle" or being trans at all is such a bad thing that they spontaneously kill themselves. Studies however show that allowing trans people to transition significantly improves their life and drops the likelihood of suicide. The supposed reason this stat is so high is because a lot of countries prevent or make it difficult for trans people to get surgery. Or just don't accepting them as people at all, assaulting them or shaming them. Leading them to end their lives.

so yeah usually people bringing up this single stat have the goal of making fun of trans people, like the 13/50 stat for black people

LittleBird · 3-Year Club · 1 points ·
I find it such a shame that sex work is OBLIGATED to be a bad thing that we need to shame people for. Why ? If they're happy doing that why do you feel the need to see them as lesser people ? Sure it's just your opinion but you're expressing it and therefore influencing other people directly or indirectly. Opinions aren't harmless, expressed or not. If you feel that way about sex workers you might vote for legislation that impacts their life. So you say they're allowed to but if it was only up to you they wouldn't be allowed. Unless you're conservative i don't understand the hate for sex work

LittleBird · 3-Year Club · 2 points ·
Women can do whatever they want. You're just salty cuz there's a market for it. If guys selling nudes was a thing you'd do it as well

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