Lodrogi · 8 points ·

Lodrogi · 3 points ·
head between two slices of bread: I'm an idimoth sandwich.

Lodrogi · 2 points ·
Still a better love story than Twilight...

Lodrogi · 14 points ·
...and confiscating his unloicensed kitchen knife.

Lodrogi · 3 points ·
I feel opressed that he was pressured

Lodrogi · 1 points ·
Time to genderswap everything: Twelve Angry Woman; The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Betty; Ghostbust- oh wait.

Lodrogi · 1 points ·
Humanity's communication skills at peak.

Lodrogi · 10 points ·
End of childhood/entering adulthood: when you realize that cutting the budget is far more worse than being raped by a monster.

Lodrogi · 3 points ·
!boj dooG
