lorddotorius · 14 points ·
It's not an emulator, it's the video of all the cutscenes. That's the joke

lorddotorius · 1 points ·
ITT: People taking this post seriously

lorddotorius · 5 points ·
yeah... if youre stupid

lorddotorius · 1 points ·

lorddotorius · 1 points ·

lorddotorius · 1 points ·
It is solved already. You can only shorten the 15/2 + 15/2 but the equation, if there ever was one, is solved since x is given a clear value now.

lorddotorius · 8 points ·
you took the bait.
the "duh!" should have made it even more obvious than it already was

lorddotorius · 2 points ·

lorddotorius · 1 points ·
Mods* for ***s sake

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