LurkingBones · 3 points ·
idk but if it ain't, that dude's real good at faking.

LurkingBones · 3 points ·
very cool that black and white can be made to appear red, i had to screenshot the pic to see the actual colors.

LurkingBones · 3 points ·
my dude never heard about this unusual drink called 'water'.

LurkingBones · 3 points ·

LurkingBones · 2 points ·
bro when the nuggets aren't fried be like

LurkingBones · 2 points ·
Reviewer be like 'if I can't buy mass produced piss in this bar, it has to be bad.'
I'm not saying every small brand or local beer is good, but you'd have to pay me a fair bit before i'm down to drink Kronenburg.

LurkingBones · 4 points ·
orks dont have dicks, they are mushrooms

LurkingBones · 1 points ·
I think the reason is to avoid confusion between byte and bit. (also, bite in french is slang equivalent to dick)

LurkingBones · 1 points · *
because unless those 10k drones are plane-sized, they are gonna be about as effective as you pissing on the flames from your window in the general direction of the fires.
typical drones don't carry much at all, 'heavy lift drones' are already really big boys if they can move 100kg from point A to B. Even assuming that they are designed to carry and drop water in roughly the correct spot, 100L of water dropped from above will not extinguish a single burning tree.

The logistics of loading and moving all those drones is also a nightmare, especially with the difficult flight conditions a large amount of heat causes.

LurkingBones · 2 points ·
could be really high on drugs, some of them give people a lot of empathy
