MakeHLgr8tagain · 24 points ·
It's called a valley, you might've seen one before.
That region is made from volcanic rock and not erosion. Maybe next year in 5th grade you'll learn about it

MakeHLgr8tagain · 2 points ·
An hero already

MakeHLgr8tagain · 3 points · *
He even says so himself! And he's the president of Russia so he would know

MakeHLgr8tagain · 1 points ·
The story is bad.
For example, the thing that bothers me the most is that at the beginning of the game there's the Abby/Joel scene where you instantly start despising her. Afterwards you're forced to play the character you hate. They intended for the player to slowly see why Abby did what she did and lose the resentment through gameplay, but it just doesn't happen. In my opinion it would have been much better if they had simply switched the order. If you had spent the beginning of the game playing Abby, bonding with the character the same way you bonded with ally and Joel. With these bonds it would have been an interesting story to play parallel timelines of each character, each doing what he/she thinks is right, resulting in what happened.

Also there was way too much emphasis on the "woMyn CaN bE StRonG aNd LeADeRs ToO", to the point where it resulted in major plot and logic holes.

MakeHLgr8tagain · 2 points ·
The whole crowd was probably english teachers

MakeHLgr8tagain · OP · 1 points ·
It's a play of words coming from "slip and slide" which are those waterslides you often see in failvideos

MakeHLgr8tagain · 5 points ·
Great argument. Showing how China chose to answer protests with tanks

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