masterOTAKU · 1 points · 11 years ago
You're shitting me...
Are you serious?

masterOTAKU · 4 points · 11 years ago
If you don't respect the ones i like, then i will come after you with a flaming chainsaw strapped to a killer robot.

masterOTAKU · 1 points · 11 years ago
Still ignoring my arguments i see.
And don't you dare correct my grammar.
You don't even type periods and most of the time you forget capitols.
You also didn't deny what i said about you running out of things to say so you actually just proved my point by trying to insult me further.
Is it so hard for you to actually listen to what people are saying?
Or do you have such a bad case of tunnelvision that you can't even see your own stupidity?
If you actually make a valid reaction to one of the points i made in my previous comments then you will prove that you are not a little braindead piece of shit.
But having seen what you comment on this website you will probably ignore everything i say and then hope that i will feel hurt by your petty insults.
Even if you would make a reaction to one of my arguments than it will probably be just as braindead as you.

masterOTAKU · 0 points · 11 years ago
Just wow...
I can't comprehend the fact that you can't even see that your place in this devbate is incredibly unstable.
You say you clearly upset me in your first comment while i was just stating the fact that it seems like you have no idea what you are talking about. This was never about the post, but about you.
The fact that you can't even see that proves that you clearly have a problem.
And ofcourse, when you run out of things to say, you call things and people gay.
Real mature.

masterOTAKU · 1 points · 11 years ago
I actually don't like the pokemon anime.
It is just so hilarious that you contradict yourself all the time.
And you also completely ignore my arguments.
Way to get a solid spot in a debate...

masterOTAKU · 3 points · 11 years ago
Anime (Japanese: ????, [] ( listen); i/?æn?me?/ or /???n?me?/) are Japanese animated productions featuring hand-drawn or computer animation.

Like is said, i'm ending this debate before it begins.

masterOTAKU · 1 points · 11 years ago
You are implying that you didn't think it was gay before.
But you have an irrational hatred for anime...
Kill yourself.
And ask your family to burn the leftovers.
They'll be happy to oblige.

masterOTAKU · 2 points · 11 years ago
I'm going to end this stupid debate before it starts.
No, Avatar is not anime.
Anime is made in Japan, Avatar isn't.

masterOTAKU · 1 points · 11 years ago
Your title will change the world.

masterOTAKU · 11 points · 11 years ago
It's mirai nikki for anyone wondering.
Recommendation: ***ING WATCH IT!
But seriously though, it's amazing.
And you'll see the queen of all yanderes.
But be prepared, there is some pretty disturbing shit in this anime.

I have left Hugelol since the website/community has turned to shit. I also don't like the new layout. So goodbye everyone, and especially AvatarAang and Heiligheid. Farewell!

Joined 12 years ago (2012-10-12 13:05:57).
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