MasterZer0 · 6 points ·
he was winning tho?

MasterZer0 · 1 points ·
you dont know the meaning of the word "zionism"

MasterZer0 · 7 points ·
was it not exposed that these bots were actually women in suits? i remember reading about that like 4 minutes ago.

MasterZer0 · 1 points ·
bottle caps are one of the most common plastic pollutants in soil and underground water. read the papers behind the EU decision. the change is meant to reduce the dissapearance of bottle caps into the nature. even if everyone operated caps well, through waste processing and logistics trash does end up in nature. again, read the ***ing scientific papers behind the decision.

MasterZer0 · 1 points ·
if you dont talk to them and they dont attempt to talk to you then nothing of value was lost.

MasterZer0 · 2 points ·
ok and what about the other 12%-5%? yknow the pollution that happens where we live? should we not try to minimize the most immediate closest pollution we have the most control over?

MasterZer0 · 1 points ·
bottlecaps make their way into the soil and pollute the ground and water. by securing to the bottle the risk of the bottlecaps getting lost is greatly reduced.

MasterZer0 · 1 points ·
if you are incapable of using this bottle cap, it shows that you are a literal caveman. the 10000s of pictures ive seen of people showing how the cap gets into their eyes, are literally too stupid to rotate the bottle 90 degrees. or the people that say it doesnt stay upright. it does, it literally has an edge that snaps into place holding it away from the mouth of the bottle. and finally are the biggest morons, who say it is impossible to close. the cap opens and closes from the same position. unless you forcibly turn the cap and its ring, it opens and closes from the same position.
and to the people pointing to waste and climate reasons, you dont even know what ecological reason this was for. people point to large scale waste graphs and co2 and other metrics, as if this would dent those. no. bottle caps find their way into the soil and underground water, polluting with microplastics. that is the real reason for this change. to stop that from continuing.
and if you are the luddite retard who tears them off like a prehistoric caveman, how the *** are you the supposedly smartest mammal defeated by a bottle cap?

MasterZer0 · 1 points ·
no joke here. a psychiatrist went to a prison and did aptitude test and interviews with inmates. people who were there for financial crimes and scams were, as you would expect, a bit smarter and scored better. however, the most interesting find was that many inmates who scored very low aptitude tests, were incapable of understanding concepts, conditionals or even basic "what if" scenarios. they would be asked a simple question that requires some level of altering the lived reality and were incapable of providing the answer because they could not comprehend a question.
a follow up study revealed that under 100 IQ, lowest scores being low 80s, were completely inept at thinking in theoreticals and could only think in actions with immediate effects.

MasterZer0 · 5 points ·
