matetoth · 7 points ·
Plot twist: muslims hate other muslims...

matetoth · 2 points ·
:D :D

And if you are feeling too rich, you spare a cent for the homeless. ;)

matetoth · 4 points ·
guess, you don't pay rent... Even if you don't, you should take it into account...

matetoth · 8 points ·
so you basically don't have to spend anything, still do...

matetoth · 1 points ·
I'd like to see some source for it. I don't have it, so I cannot oppose whether or not rape is linked to financial status. Altough I'd be surprised if any numbers were near the truth (since in my mind I think most rapes are never found, or are being treated "locally"). Will anyone ever know, how many parents rape their child. My toughts are, that this grows with poverty. Especially the undetectable cases.

From other perspective, the issue is not the poverty of immigrants, but the fact, that they are not working. This max be caused by 2 effects:
-not working capable immigrants come - the economy doesn't need them
-they don't want to work/their culture differs so much, they are not willing to (work as a woman, etc).

In both cases, the solution may be, that we don't need these ppl. I know, this sounds harsh, but "robbing refugees of a perspective" means also not giving more freelancers the incentive to come. Sweden and more western countries made the mistake of thinking, that ppl want to build their country, so they gave them much more, than their habitants. And not surprisingly, they came. A lot of them came. Too much came. Then as it happens, reality didn't meet the expectation of free, awesome life. Crimerates and the number of extremists grow. Chicken or the egg? Sorry, that was probably offtopic. ;)

matetoth · 1 points ·
Then from the source of yourself, let's make math (altough your source is about offences, not rapes, but let's speak about them). I'm not familiar with swede data, I just do the math properly about what i read.

The article says, there are 300k immigrants since 1980, let's say they all have one kid (600k immigrants). In sweden there are roughly 10M ppl. The article says, 45% of crimes (25+20) are comitted by ppl who are immigrants or born immigrants.

So 1 million immigrants would deal 75% of the crimes, and 1 million swedes would do 5,85% of crimes.

So one immigrant is 12,8 times more likely to commit offence, than a native swede. I really hope you could understand the math behind, feel free to answer!

matetoth · 1 points ·
So if women don't want to get into the congress/ are not suited to, they shall be forced. Seems so legit and smells like equality at its finest...

matetoth · 2 points ·
The problem is, if you don't learn to talk to them, when the pressure isn't big (4/10), then you won't be relaxed enough, when there is a bit of affection. That's all, what I'm saying. Go for a 4, then a 5, then a 6, then the dream won't be that far... ;)

matetoth · 1 points ·
I love the way the 4/10s all want a 9-10/10. (I'm not saying you are a 4/10 or anything, it's just a reaction on your answer.)

But that might help those, who are insecure about themselves. Pick a girl that wouldn't/shouldn't reject anyone, and likes the fact you're approaching her, she might be your 10/10.

You think your d*ck is picky? Your brain is. But you can change your brain.

matetoth · 2 points ·
I'm positive: most of HL community is able to bang a woman. Not surely the prittiest ones, but girl is a girl, right?

I mean, those, who are normal enough to be able to bang a hooker. These not include the ones, who only get erection on my little pony...
