MeAndHobbit · 0 points ·
And they say he has the most useless powers...

MeAndHobbit · 1 points ·
The guy setting up this twitter account is a forever alone, no doubt...

MeAndHobbit · 1 points ·
LOL at the tower of shit...

MeAndHobbit · 1 points ·
Ohhh, it makes sense now! Thank you dear.

MeAndHobbit · 2 points ·
I know, the "does" thingy....

MeAndHobbit · 1 points ·
Aww, this is actually honestly sad...

MeAndHobbit · 3 points ·
I know I'd get downvoted for this, but can someone please explain as I'm not really familiar with what pokemon other than Pikachu do?

MeAndHobbit · 3 points ·
God, I want to be a person who says something snarky about someone with the wrong use of "your" and you're", but everytime, there would be 10 people who have done it first.

MeAndHobbit · 1 points ·
The Big Wedding. The film sucks ass but this scene is quite funny.

MeAndHobbit · 7 points ·
I'm laughing at the fact that Batman wears his suit while browsing FB.
