Metalmusick · OP · 12 points ·
it's missing a "Y"

Metalmusick · OP · 1 points ·
Good. This means hugelol is not sucking that ***ing much. thanks

Metalmusick · OP · 15 points ·
are you butthurt? oohh sorry, didn't see your username there

Metalmusick · 1 points ·
...and that's why they get killed

Metalmusick · 0 points ·
Make this into a gif
Use the same title

Metalmusick · 11 points ·
straight outta 4chan, still makes me laugh

Metalmusick · 1 points ·
is the new hobbie breast enhancement?

Metalmusick · 6 points ·
Because it has pineapple

Metalmusick · 5 points ·
Kinda, I'd still give her ponies
