MinikOlsen · 3 points ·
I thought it was a weird creepy monkey head o.O

MinikOlsen · 2 points ·
I'm glad we, Greenlandic people, are finally participating on those little cartoons. But seriously, we don't type like that. That's a part of Alaskans language and it's starting to rebuild again.

We Greenlandic people use alphabet like all of you… Except Greeks, Japanese, Chinese….

Kisian ilumoortumik, sikorsuaq aappat, nunarsuaq immappat, uagut immaqa ilimanartumik suli periarfissaqaqaagut uumanissaq xD Qaqqanut inoqaliinnartussaavugut ;D Kisiannili taamaalippat ilimanartumik nunarput tiguarneqassasoq Amerikkaninngaanniit, pissutigalugu oqassapput "Inui-immi allat aamma inissaqarniassapput" Kisiannimmi soorunalimmi imminut pisuusutigisussaavaat. Taamaalippat Kalaallinaasiit ajornartorsiutertik ajortinneruleraluttuinnassallutit inuunerput sequminneqassaaq tiguarneqarutta :P

MinikOlsen · 6 points ·
Am I the only one who thinks that Dr_Eevee just got kicked ass by a REALLY COOL random theory??? :D

MinikOlsen · 2 points ·
Is it because they have penises? xD

MinikOlsen · 2 points ·
If it is "Operator" I sure understand that the last one got -2 points...

MinikOlsen · 2 points ·
I really don't know that either… Can someone explain so I don't have to give you a "*** all of you"

MinikOlsen · 1 points ·
***ing karma

MinikOlsen · 1 points ·
Sorry... it's been taken before.

MinikOlsen · 3 points ·
Use a save... Life a comma ;D

MinikOlsen · 1 points ·
Like the game: THE LAST OF US
NOPE NOPE NOPE, I'm getting ready about zombie apocalypse. Please give me the number of "Doomsday preppers" on National Geographic channel so I can give you advices... Damn Spores, I don't wanna turn into walkers then clickers, and then last Bummers (As I remember)
Goodbye fellas, I'm joining the FIREFLIES up here in Greenland
Good luck
