moake · 1 points ·
it's not ground like that tho :p

moake · 2 points ·
If I see someone share one of those things I will instant un-friend :p

moake · 1 points ·
yes, like a 70 hour work week is normal

moake · 1 points ·
i love the han like "oooooh! bad@ss!"

moake · 1 points ·
made me giggle :3

moake · 1 points ·
the sneak archer above the "dancing" people *taps top hat and flies away*

moake · 5 points ·
Thank you very much kind stranger *taps top hat*

moake · 0 points ·

moake · 11 points ·
made my day hahaha

moake · 6 points ·
am I the only one around here, who reads this in his voice!
