Mortenen · 0 points ·
Even if an explosion made the beams collapse on the levels in the building where the plane crashed, the buildings would _never_collapse in the way they did (the part above the collapse would fall off the rest of the structure, much like a jenga tower, only the part under would stand very solid). It looked like a very professional demolishion job.

...But you can never convince the mass public, because the mass public does not have knowledge of such physics.

Mortenen · 8 points ·
You rank Gandalf as a lesser being? You shall definetely NOT pass..

Mortenen · 0 points ·
No homo?

Mortenen · 4 points ·
Agree on everything except the 12 yo kids... Have you ever played counter-strike or any moba?

Mortenen · 0 points ·
That's a name? Haha. It's like they don't even try in these countries!

Mortenen · 2 points ·
The blogger deletes any comments that do not agree. Or simply do not post them.

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Mortenen · 1 points ·
Only reason I download stuff now that I am grown up, is that shit doesn't hit the shelfs in my country until long after their release.

Mortenen · 1 points ·
Solstice on NES. That shit was nearly impossible. Dark Souls is a walk in the partk in comparision.

Mortenen · 2 points ·
No chess players here huh?
