MrFreeBarbecue · 7-Year Club · 5 points ·

MrFreeBarbecue · 7-Year Club · 1 points ·
Bonjour :)

MrFreeBarbecue · 7-Year Club · 0 points · *
For me the missile might have caught on the signature of a nearby armored vehicule (which can happen). Regarding the "explosion" it's most likely not the explosive charge but the solid fuel (propergol) of the missile that caught on fire during impact because of a breach of the fuel container. So the explosive charge si still live and can still go kaboom!

MrFreeBarbecue · 7-Year Club · 1 points ·
regarding what you said on the russians I have one more fact directly from the mouths of french military operatives in Mali, the people from Mali prefers Russians militaries / military private contractors. They don't ask questions or ponder things, they act, they are rough and blind. And (sadly), it's th eonly way around many problems regardsing extremism in Africa. And such it's kinda related to the movement we see in congo in the video.

MrFreeBarbecue · 7-Year Club · 2 points ·

MrFreeBarbecue · 7-Year Club · 6 points ·
I want warner sound dubbing on that

MrFreeBarbecue · 7-Year Club · 2 points ·
Injured ? good.

MrFreeBarbecue · 7-Year Club · 3 points ·
Name of my new 5e campaign

MrFreeBarbecue · 7-Year Club · 4 points ·
I thought the guy was shitting while firing

MrFreeBarbecue · 7-Year Club · 2 points · I don't look his content, seems fake and fabricated
