MrsPensis · 1 points ·

MrsPensis · 4 points ·
i do the same cuz when they say its a repost (but i havent seen it) i kinda feel embarrassed and delete it so nobody knows:)

MrsPensis · 5 points ·
i saw this on facebook right before i saw this on here. either we know each other or we both know the same person. im kinda tripped out right now.

MrsPensis · 2 points ·
Donna wasn't wanting a relationship with the doctor. they both just wanted to be friends. she never liked him like that because hes an alien. they liked the company of each other and she just like the traveling.

MrsPensis · 1 points ·
regal beast

MrsPensis · 3 points ·
he looks like the guy off toy story 2 when he comes to fix woodys ripped arm:)

MrsPensis · 1 points ·
its a sippy cup not a bottle.

MrsPensis · 1 points ·
i won one and gave it to my sister and its been living for the past year. i expected it to die a week after

MrsPensis · 3 points ·
unless your a new mom breastfeeding and your boobs are filled with milk and it feels like you just got shot.

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