Mugendramon · 1 points ·
Well... Vinland Saga?

Mugendramon · 1 points ·

Mugendramon · 1 points ·
thas Dibu for you, peasant

Mugendramon · 0 points ·
!gamble 100

Mugendramon · 1 points ·
It's a pepe guys...

Mugendramon · 5 points ·
what's the name of the chick anyway

Mugendramon · 14 points ·
'murica inc. most relevant titles are pay-to-win, anyway:


Mugendramon · 1 points ·
the way this kind of post reaches front or drowns in downvotes just ***s physics sideways.

Mugendramon · 2 points ·
except for tumblr and 4chan.

Mugendramon · 3 points ·
been on hiatus for like half a year now.
