mylilponyranger · 0 points ·
For whatever reason, the word "introvert" has seen a lot of misuse as of late, mainly by people who are offering it as an excuse for their own social awkwardness. The truth is that introversion is little more than a tendency toward relaxation and recharging on one's own, rather than in the company of others... and ironically, the folks who come across as socially inept are usually *extroverts*, since they have a greater need to insert themselves into other folks' interactions.

I would consider myself an introvert, and while I'm not a big fan of crowded concerts or raucous gatherings, I'm also not one to shy away from parties. If I'm with a group of people that I know very well (or if I've met someone interesting), I'm happy to keep going all night. When that stops being enjoyable, though, I'll just say my goodbyes and leave.

Now, with all of that said: *Let me out of this goddamned jar!*

mylilponyranger · 1 points ·
Kaden, Landon and Grayson? These people are monsters!

mylilponyranger · 2 points ·
And now Baldwin plays Trump on SNL.

mylilponyranger · 0 points ·
Nuke cola might just be the most overly advertised drink from a video game ever.

mylilponyranger · 1 points ·
North Korea is best Korea, I love it too much

mylilponyranger · 6 points ·
Samsung should be more careful, they don't want to start any fires

mylilponyranger · 1 points ·
By making it black and white? Seems legit.

mylilponyranger · 1 points ·

mylilponyranger · 1 points ·
She wasn't into you. Wanted to be funny to break the awkward tension.

mylilponyranger · 3 points ·
The fact that this is the top post the front page is troubling to me.
