mymeymeys · 6-Year Club · 1 points ·
so mediterranean = muslim now?

mymeymeys · 6-Year Club · 0 points ·
hence my comment: thorwing money at the right people is a skill. Tesla is a good product. EVs are better for people living in cities than ICE cars. that's all I stated but you went along with your musk rant, that I really do not care about. you are not grown enough to not see everything in black and white and to give credit where credit is due, so I am not interested in fighting with your cultish mind. stay safe.

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mymeymeys · 6-Year Club · 0 points ·
yeah, sorry again I was assuming you have own thoughts unrelated to musk.

mymeymeys · 6-Year Club · 0 points ·
i was not talking about musk, all I said was it takes skill to throw money at the right people, that's why for example steve jobs was praised, although he didn't design a single screw in the iphone. and if you worked a single day in your life you'd know how difficult is R&D, but you look like you have gotten too deep in the musk/anti-musk fanbase and just yapping about totally unrelated stuff. honestly my bad thinking you were not retarded.

mymeymeys · 6-Year Club · 0 points ·
you clearly don't understand the words you are using. lobbying for nuclear power is not revolutionising and most importantly not the the task of the industry players. the industry/market creates the demand and the infrastructure follows. or do you think that henry ford should have built a gas station every 100 miles on every road before starting the production of the t model? :D

if something becoming widespread could be called revolutionising then the increasing share of EVs are also revolutionising the transportation, right? :)

mymeymeys · 6-Year Club · 1 points ·
tell me which billionaire hedge fund manager were you thinking about when writing "throwing money at people to do the actual work for you and taking the credit is awe inspiring to you?"
bc as far as I know it's the executives who take the credit and not the investors. and it's the executives who decide which project/department gets funds for development.

mymeymeys · 6-Year Club · 1 points ·
the lack of genetic diversity results in weaker, unhealthier offsprings. this is the truth whether it fits your ideology or not.

mymeymeys · 6-Year Club · 5 points ·
just like how steve jobs still gets the fame even after his death

mymeymeys · 6-Year Club · 1 points ·
now tell me how would YOU -smartest of all- ensure genetic diversity without mixing people with different genetics? :D

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