neakass · 1 points ·
i was hoping this post was being sarcastic tbh but this comment makes me think otherwise

neakass · 1 points ·
little nightmares .__.

neakass · 1 points ·
she ate all the colors

neakass · 2 points ·

neakass · 2 points ·
ok so really did not need this (actually I did, thanks)

neakass · 1 points ·
love the dog's face. he understands only some of this

neakass · 1 points ·
1. ah the focus is on the dancing girl 2. no wait its this funny dancing dude instead haha 3. oh nono, maybe something happens to the girl with crotches 4. *midget walks by* aight

neakass · 1 points ·
oh yes, both of these masks are used for protection, glad to know they work. a very good point

neakass · OP · 1 points ·

neakass · 1 points ·
oh damn i still have this game
