NetMarshall · 2 points ·
Why did you change the desk in the Oval Office?

NetMarshall · 1 points ·
Less than 2 minutes, I've searched on google " if I win ill sit on your face".
I know, I'm a nerd for mastering google-fu pepecry.jpg

NetMarshall · 3 points ·
why am I like this!? pepecry.png

NetMarshall · 0 points ·
You need bazilion GPUs to train neural networks not to run them. Most of the NNs run on specific designed chips named Neural Processing Units which are really cheap and run really efficient at a fraction of power usage compared to GPUs.

NetMarshall · 2 points ·
Foucault with his postmodernism BS...

NetMarshall · OP · 3 points ·
I'm sorry, I didn't check the Fresh page :/
I will upvote his post.

NetMarshall · 1 points ·
Why is he using like 5 different pairs or inline skates?

NetMarshall · 1 points ·
I wanna get out of the simulation! Who is the Creator!?

NetMarshall · 2 points ·
and also remeber the girl insinuating that blac kroc and vanguard own everything but this guys saved us:

NetMarshall · 5 points ·
former FPS player here: eating a shot means getting a direct hit from a projectile (bullet, most of time) without taking any damage. This is caused by client extrapolation and other latency hiding techniques, so the end result is that you see that you got a direct shot on an enemy head, but he was ducking or strafing and you actually missed.
