NitzanLeo · 7 points ·
1 wa5n'7 3xp3c71ng y0u, L13u73nan7 L0w3r-Ca53.

NitzanLeo · 4 points ·
A duke rules a duchy, an emir an emirate and a prince a principality.

NitzanLeo · 0 points ·

NitzanLeo · 1 points ·
Beric Dondarrion, by the way, from GoT/ASoIaF.

NitzanLeo · 3 points ·
xD That was me, buddy, I just reposted it without the watermark. It's deleted. :P

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NitzanLeo · 0 points ·
We don't know that he killed Dayne. We know that he saved Ned on that day. We can guess that in the end only Howland and Ned were left to fight Arthur, but any of the other companions could have killed Dayne. We don't know who died first and who last.
And it is definitely possible that Howland used poison, though I think Ned would've frowned upon it.

NitzanLeo · 5 points ·
I'm ***ing sick of ***s like you. You advocate for people to read the books, but even people who are reading the books, or at least want to, can have the books spoiled by your comment. I've read all five books, and I know half of the theories surrounding the next ones, but there is a thing called common decency that apparently your parents didn't care to teach you. GRRM would be sickened.

NitzanLeo · 0 points ·
Yes, but we never even know if Rhaegar was really much more than 'talented' with a sword, only that he was exceptional at jousting. I mean, the only battle we have heard about in which Rhaegar used a sword, he lost, and to Robert. Yes, Robert was very skilled with a warhammer, and was very big, but we can't really expect much from Rhaegar with that comparison.

NitzanLeo · 2 points ·
Where exactly does it say that he will write those? We won't see, most likely. And also, I did read the Tales of Dunk and Egg. Not only does neither of those three characters exist at the time, Duncan isn't even Kingsguard at the time. Nor will we ever see neither Rhaegar or Arthur in the Dunk and Egg series, since they both lived under the reign of Aerys II (and served under him), who is the grandson of Aegon the Fifth. You, my friend, just got book'd.
