Nokz · 3 points ·

Nokz · 2 points ·
Was this the toroise that died because she was kicked by a horse?

Nokz · 14 points ·
There are more imporant things in life than money....
But on the other hand there are more important things to life than pooping....
And seriously: how cool would it be to go to the mall like "Aww shiat Far Cry 3 - 50%sale only 20 bucks" and then just letting down your pants and take a huge crap right on the cashiers table.....
So yea I'll go with yes, but one last question, if you get diarreah, will you be spraying 5000 pennies? That would be a HUGE contra argument...

Nokz · 15 points ·
I like how the door opens like: "You could've just asked...."

Nokz · 10 points ·
Yea, Ice cream licking pussy.

Nokz · 16 points ·
Licking pussy.

Nokz · 0 points ·
So there is this damned school-organized internship, supposed to start in one week. Since 1 year and a bit our teacher is annoying us with it. And here I sit, not one letter to any firm written, waiting for my teacher to explode in rage. I think I'll start looking for a internship....... tomorrow.

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Nokz · 0 points ·
Yeah, and you are part of the UN. But my point was, that Norway is the most peacefull country I can think of. =)

Nokz · 10 points ·
They are blackened out. In the original photo they are "normal".
