nomejodan · 1 points ·
This pic is too disturbing for me.

nomejodan · 0 points ·
There's a fight between my Christian side and my fun side. One wants to talk about the context, and the other one wants just to laugh.

nomejodan · 0 points ·
Do two dead people count as genocide?

nomejodan · 1 points ·
Shoot to thrill with my penis

nomejodan · 0 points ·
We will never agree, as long as there is no intention of dialogue.

nomejodan · 0 points ·
Man, Culumbus didn't kill anyone. If you are looking for a new trading route to the Far East and you think you have founded it, why on Earth would you consider non-human and kill the people you want to trade with, when those guys have even given you food and water (and women ;) ) after weeks of sailing with supplies running out? That is excessively illogical.

He did discover America, for the Western civilization. It's true that the Vikings and the Chinese had arrived before but there was no evidence of that in Columbus' times.

There was no large scale genocide in Spanish America, if we consider genocide as the intentional act of persecution and murder of members of a specific ethnical group because of racial superiority premises.
Even more, genocide happened more clearly before the arrival of the Spaniards. For example, the Aztec florid wars against neighbour tribes had the objective of capturing prisoners for human sacrifices, which were something normal. The Aztecs murdered their prisoners to calm the anger of the gods who they thought the descended from.
The Spanish didn't commit any genocide. They colonised the deserted areas of the continent at will and established themselves mostly peacefully in Indian lands, sometimes because the Indians themselves asked them to settle with them to bring them their cereals and cattle, like what happened in the Cuyo region. They conquered using lethal force when they were guided by relatively psychotic leaders and motivated by strong material things (a.k.a gold). That's why the "Conquistadores" operated in the lands the Aztecs and the Incas, the richiest American empires, why other parts like the Rio de la Plata basin were occupied by "Adelantados" ("the first ones" in Spanish).
The insertion of diseases unknown for the Americans by European settlers also cannot be considered genocide, as they had almost forgotten they had brought the virus with them.
The Spanish goverment had set a law system to protect the rights of the Indians. Now, these laws had validance in a land that excedded the size of Europe, full of natural barriers that slowed communication inside the colonies and with Spain. There were high chances that abuses commited by the Spaniards to the Indians in some places would never be reported to Spain. That is genocide, but it wasn't as massive as it's said it was.
The result of the non-genocidal Spanish colonisation of America can be clearly seen in contemporary Latin American demographics, where most people have Indian or halfblood ascendance.

School books for children are the first texts in which we are tought about the genocide in America. It's you the one who should look for more serious sources.

nomejodan · 1 points ·
Harry goes to rescue Bowe Bergdahl after he went for a walk... again

nomejodan · 3 points ·
Can you please realize that not anyone thinks the same than you? I'm a Catholic and I differ with some things that Mahmoud believes, but I don't depreciate what he says.
He chose to believe in a single God, and I accept this; you chose not to believe in anyting, and I accept that; I chose to believe that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit as the same God, and maybe he does accept it; so please don't be square-minded and understand that we all have the right to have our belief without someone bashing his thoughts in our faces like he was the absolute owner of the truth

nomejodan · 4 points ·
Xipolitakis? If it was for her I would let my country get nuked.

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