nope1234 · 2 points ·
-_- Mexico...

nope1234 · 2 points ·
not even shopped...

its from that "obamaize me" website thing

utter fail man...

nope1234 · 3 points ·

nope1234 · 3 points ·
@ title? who is @ title


nope1234 · 3 points ·
Haha it makes obummer look like satan from Leo and Satan haha

nope1234 · 4 points ·
I thought it was midly amusing, enough for an upvote, or atleast just a scroll-by, but not a downvote.

nope1234 · 5 points ·
Why is this downvoted?? Is it because there is something here to offend everyone?

nope1234 · 4 points ·
thank you MudButt20, thank you for understanding, I didn't mean for this to create such a debate, I just thought it would be funny.

nope1234 · 3 points ·
Also, it's funny how non-US people get all up in a tizzy about how we say "Americans" and "America", but they still call us "Americans" and "'muricans" and that is hypocritical don't you think?

We know we aren't a continent but calling our country America is widely accepted as just perfectly fine, except by the few whiny people who can't get over it. If you call us 'muricans, I feel just fine calling my self and American, also, when people say 'muricans, they are making the generalization and using a stereotype, kind of like us when we say America, but when we do it, since we are Americans and not from some other place, we are apperently just so stupid and ignorant and just plain retards because of it.

Get over it already people.

nope1234 · 35 points ·
I don't know about the stereotypical 'muricans, but as for the rest of the normal population, yes we do.
