notrickastley · 7-Year Club · 2 points ·
What if we were the mold all along

notrickastley · 7-Year Club · 1 points ·
what about spells and curses

notrickastley · 7-Year Club · OP · 2 points · *
Ye. Seems to me they've fixed most bugs. I don't share the same opinion about being a homm3 copy, if anything I feel like they've successfully made a successor to the series. I have ~200hrs of it and it doesn't get boring, similar vibe to homm3 except I feel like it has more replayability, though they really need to add more races.

Bugfix for something they never fixed: If your game fails to start, delete its appdata folder. Make sure you backup your saves if you do that.

To make sure bugs dont bug you too much: Hit F5 after every battle.

notrickastley · 7-Year Club · 4 points · *
Hello. May I advise. Take flight to Sofia, Bulgaria (20$ with return in the right timeframe from most EU cities) and get your tooth fixed (100$ max usually, 50$ if you're mostly okay).

notrickastley · 7-Year Club · 2 points ·
Akcqutually no slaves worked on the pyramids, slaves became a thing much later. They were built primarily by the Egyptians good will. It was considered an honour for a builder to be chosen to work on a pyramid, as they saw their Pharaoh as a Godly figure. They took such pride in their work, that some stones are inscribed with things such as "The cool gang" or "The kings favourites" showing some competition between the different teams of builders.
Source: History of the Ancient World: A Global Perspective

notrickastley · 7-Year Club · 2 points ·
i also uk

notrickastley · 7-Year Club · 3 points · *
> haven't seen movie
> internet said movie bad
> movie bad
Haven't watched it, can't judge it.

notrickastley · 7-Year Club · 5 points ·
Ah I see, EXCLUDING those, so the number is higher because they were excluded. Fine.

notrickastley · 7-Year Club · 2 points ·
Wait. So when the civilians were not armed, they stopped almost twice as much criminals? The heck? How? You'd expect an armed civilian to be able to stop an active shooter, and an unarmed one to die.

notrickastley · 7-Year Club · 4 points ·
y the vid speaking terrorist

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