ojars54 · 6 points ·
Bad whisky it is then.

ojars54 · 4 points ·
Directions were't clear enough.... still brought me to beer.

ojars54 · 2 points ·
I personally think that most of moon moon posts are funny, but that's just my opinion.

ojars54 · 7 points ·
No its not, i think. But my post nearly failed because of a similar title.
Just passing on the knowledge. Have a like.

ojars54 · 11 points ·
This is the most action I've seen in months

ojars54 · 7 points ·
well i did use a meme generator, but i'm not sure if a had seen something similar.

ojars54 · 2 points ·
Damn it, I'm Latvian and now when a Latvian post comes up I can't think of anything funny to say!

ojars54 · 1 points ·
Its just one of those days "F@ck it, I'll wear a rug"

End reached.