Ondroid · 1 points ·
Kupředu letí česká krev? :D

Ondroid · OP · 1 points ·
Holy shit! He's amazing! :D My body hurts from laughing :D

Ondroid · OP · 1 points ·
Ehm... Tarta de queso... I guess... O don't really know spanish but Te quiero puta! :D

Ondroid · 6 points ·
Something between curved and a roll :D

Ondroid · 16 points ·
This is funny, don't worry ;) I know, because my laugh woke up my flatmate :D

Ondroid · 12 points ·
We are ynonymous, we are legion, we are... mommy's little hungry chubby bunny.

Ondroid · 1 points ·
This is the first post in weeks which actually made me laugh out loud :D

Ondroid · 5 points ·
Boží! :D

Ondroid · 3 points ·
Holy ***! I've cracked it. We're gonna get HL4 without having to wait for it after 3. They're just gonna skip 3 :D

Ondroid · 2 points ·
Only a true knight has blood on his sword.
