Pacx · 1 points ·
Guess he's a mole-kin and you've triggered him

Pacx · 4 points ·
it is the law of hugelol

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Pacx · 25 points ·
The tittle is funny

Pacx · 0 points ·
Thank you, you ***tard! I guess...

Pacx · 0 points ·
what season/episode is this?

Pacx · 0 points ·
yes please

Pacx · 10 points ·
that was usefull for once, cheers.

Pacx · 5 points ·
don't get the joke

Pacx · 6 points ·
whats like the actual story behind this guy
is he cook who likes to cook using a lot of oil and rapes children "using a lot of oil" or sth?
